Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal Entry # 10

I got lots of that! Especially bad ones (joke! >.<). I remember when I was in third year HS when my classmates (barkada) said to me that they're going to cut class. It was our Foundation that day and we were advised to join in sports. They told me that many students will join so it'll make no difference to join or not. Finally, they'd convinced me. :] It was fun back then because we can still do things we want. Even if it's not good for us. I think it's part of every/some students' life.

It had still been our habit to cut class but not every day. But then again, I realized that if it still continues it will be very very bad for me. So, I promised to myself that I would not cut class if it is not an emergency c",). :]

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