Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal Entrey # 4

I feel that we must not judge others by simply looking at them or if they do something wrong. I realized that we must learn to appreciate others as well as our self to make a happy atmosphere around us. If all of people can do that, I think arguments and conflicts will be easily resolve.

If I have given a wrong answer, I think the best way to tell me that I'm wrong is to correct it. :]
I would like them to listen because I too, will listen to them if it's their turn.
In giving suggestions, If they or I have something in their mind, tell it to the group.
When I commit mistakes, help me correct it. :] and I'll help them too, if they have any.
I'll explain them why I do not want the things they told me.
I'll give them the comments or suggestions they deserve. :] (hehe)

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