Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal Entrey # 4

I feel that we must not judge others by simply looking at them or if they do something wrong. I realized that we must learn to appreciate others as well as our self to make a happy atmosphere around us. If all of people can do that, I think arguments and conflicts will be easily resolve.

If I have given a wrong answer, I think the best way to tell me that I'm wrong is to correct it. :]
I would like them to listen because I too, will listen to them if it's their turn.
In giving suggestions, If they or I have something in their mind, tell it to the group.
When I commit mistakes, help me correct it. :] and I'll help them too, if they have any.
I'll explain them why I do not want the things they told me.
I'll give them the comments or suggestions they deserve. :] (hehe)

Journal Entry # 7

I think that I'm getting thin these days so I planned to make an exercise program for myself and have a special diet. :] I will double every food that I will eat from now on. I will schedule exercise program every twice or thrice a week. Most of all, I must avoid drinking beers, cigarettes or any substance that will be bad for my health.

I think after I have done all of these, it'll make me healthier than before. And will increase my stamina for every day work. :] (most of all, make me more handsome!!!! woo hooo. joke! )

Journal Entry # 10

I got lots of that! Especially bad ones (joke! >.<). I remember when I was in third year HS when my classmates (barkada) said to me that they're going to cut class. It was our Foundation that day and we were advised to join in sports. They told me that many students will join so it'll make no difference to join or not. Finally, they'd convinced me. :] It was fun back then because we can still do things we want. Even if it's not good for us. I think it's part of every/some students' life.

It had still been our habit to cut class but not every day. But then again, I realized that if it still continues it will be very very bad for me. So, I promised to myself that I would not cut class if it is not an emergency c",). :]

Journal Entry # 5

The most challenging thing I have accomplished so far is fixing our broken electric fan. :] It was summer vacation when the fan I'm using suddenly broke. It's very hot that time of the day about 2:00pm. My mom told me to fix it but I said I do not know how. Then she replied: "Aba, edi wala kang gagamitin". After she said that, I rushed to get the tools. At first, It looks like I'm just making it worst because I dissamebled the fan into pieces. Then I work, and work, and work............................................................................. then finally, it works!!! (woo hoo). I really do not know what trick I used to make it work, but it work. So, I'm happy with that. :]

Monday, August 17, 2009

Journal Entry # 9

A responsible person is someone who is always well organized, punctual, honest, hardworking, etc..................................... For me, if your a responsible person you can have all this kind of traits.
He/she can really have time for everything. He/she can do anything he/she pleases to do without having a problem in the end.

My responsibilities in our home is to study hard, do my chores and be a good son(sometimes). In my school is to help my classmates in their academic problems(not love). In my responsibility in my community is to be a role model to the young children(hehe). :]

Journal Entry # 6

The challenge i took was to get high score in a quiz or seat work. Yes, I was able to beat the challenge when I got 19 out of 20 items in my Math quiz. I feel proud to myself that I can get a high score in my Math quiz. I also felt happiness because I did not fail the quiz. :]

I realized that if you put into practice the things you learned, you can achieve your goals quickly and have a successful future ahead. I also learned that if you really want to achieve something, you must "really" work hard for it. :]

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Journal Enrty # 8

The challenge that I took was avoid cheating. Yes, I was able to do the challenge in my long exams. I feel more confident now that I was able to do the things on my own without the help of others. I feel proud that I'd accomplish the challenge that I took. I learned that if you really want to succeed in your work, you really must work hard for you to earn it. :]