Sunday, June 28, 2009

Journal Entry # 2

In my first week here in Malayan, I only knew few friends from before. It was a bit tiring because I'm not used to go to school everyday. But even tough it is tiring, I find it very exciting in a way that you'll become closer with my classmates as well as our professors.

At first, I thought that our professors will be very strict more like to be a "terror". But after I met them one by one, the feeling of that was gone. I find that every professors are nice and approachable. They always say that if you need some help, just ask them and they'll help you. All of them are very patient too.

My blockmates is always noisy and they just can't stop it. :] It's like that they will never run out of words or things to say. Our strengths? Well, we're always very cooperative in group works and activity. We're very active when it comes with debating (I don't know why :). Our weakness? There's one thing that almost our professor don't like and it is our uncontrolablle noise. Sometimes it comes to the point that our professor are annoyed with us.

Now, I find my courses a bit easy beacuse it's still the first month of the semester. But I know that it will become harder as time goes by. The course that I find easy and challenging is Math because I like solving equations and problems. I find challenging because sometimes it's very hard and complicated. Even if it's hard I still like it because as they say, Love the things you hate.

I think that I need to be more active in my class because I really recite much when our professor is asking somthing. Maybe I'm still a bit shy with them.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Journal Entry # 1

At first, I thought that almost all of the things would still remain and life in college will be easier. But as the days gone by, it started to get complicated. Every passing day, college life seem to be getting tougher. I can say that in my high school days that everything is spoon fed to us.

As we all know, values shapes our behavior and creates who we are right now. These are seen through our actions. This is why Values Education is being taught in both our elementary and high school years. It plays a great role for us, students to have a successful life in the future.